Animal Rights

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Animal Rights

PETA has saved uncountable amounts of animals from factory farms, which stuff animals in cages and feed them drugs so they can't even move, sometimes not being able to get to food and water. Please make a a good decision by going vegetarian like the millions of us already. It's not hard, you save over 100 animals a year going vegetarian, that's about two or three every week! If you truly love animals, you won't be eating them anytime soon!
Have problems with being veg because of your parents? have them look at this
Runescape Players! HUGE PRIZES for boycotting evil companies and being vegetarian!
1. If you sign that you will not buy KFC or Iams products EVER:
You win 10K in runescape EVERY MONTH (add Ligar250)
2. If you sign that you'll be a vegetarian for a month, that month, you win:
an EXTRA 20K on top of your monthly pay for KFC and Iams
If you want free materials from PETA, e-mail them at and give them your address, full name, city, state, and zip code so they can mail them to you along with the names of the materials you want.
If you want anti-fur leaflets, door hangers, etc, CLICK HERE
This video is VERY graphic, showing the NORMAL treatment of animals on factory farms, we only display this video because we think it is important for everyone eating meat to understand that these things are happening to animals for meat production.
not for anyone under the age of 13 unless you are %100 prepared you aren't going to get upset about the videos.
Blood & Gore: **** out of 5
Profanity: N/A

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Pamela Anderson KFCruelty Video